Saturday, March 19, 2011

Perigee Moon

The girls and I stayed out a bit tonight, looking at the perigee moon, or a "super moon" that's supposed to be the largest full moon in 20 years. Truthfully, it doesn't look any bigger than usual, but it was nice just being out at night, enjoying the cool air and the quietness. It was cloudy too, so the moon sometimes hid behind the cumulo-strato clouds (we were debating on what kind of clouds they were, and didn't find a common answer).

I hope this super moon doesn't trigger more tsunami waves. People in Japan are already going through very tough times as things are.

I'm not exactly worried about calamities right now, but I'm thinking we should be more prepared for the eventuality of an earthquake, which Philvolcs says can happen anytime. I intend to look up online how a household can be more ready for such an event. It won't hurt to be more informed and prepared.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


O - M - G! If there's a blogging equivalent of drunk dialing, this must be it–tipsy blogging, for lack of a better phrase. I might regret posting this tomorrow, but tomorrow's a lifetime away, and tonight I'm just here, tipsy and in an anything-goes mood. (Hence the new name for this poor blog which I have neglected for so long and which no one reads anyway, so WTH.)

I have this mild cough and runny nose, and I couldn't sleep. So I went down at about 10 pm, when everyone else here had gone over to Dreamland, and tried to lull myself to sleep with leftover San Mig Lights and some clicks on the remote. After watching an episode of Spartacus–the finale, which was very fine, by the way–I was still wide awake. And so I proceeded to watch episode 6 of Shameless, then episode 7. The show's about a crazy, dysfunctional family. The dad's an alcoholic, the mom's out of the picture (maybe dead), and the kids (all 6 or 7 of them) are left alone to fend for themselves. Fiona, the eldest girl, has taken on the mother's role and they're all surviving as best as they can. It reminded me somewhat of my childhood, with my always sick (read: manic-depressive) mother and our heroic dad who tried his very best to raise us well, practically single-handedly. Kind of bittersweet. Somehow, it all reminded me of how fortunate I am now, with my "problems" seeming so petty in comparison to theirs (and to mine when I was growing up). I might feel alone sometimes, and the thought of my very dry feet does bother me at times (!)–I said petty, right?–but there's a whole bunch of stuff I should be thankful for. And I am. Very. Grateful. I have my wonderful children with me, they are so pretty and smart, and we are happy and well taken care of financially. So I'm fortunate than most, we really are.

I don't know how that thinking led me to this blog entry, but here I am, typing away at 1:41 in the morning. I guess I have been thinking a lot lately that I should update this blog, and that's why I'm here now. I have been unusually busy with my freelance writing and so I never really had the time nor the motivation to write anything here. Until now.

So there. That's all I really want to say. It's nothing much, I know.

I think I'm ready to sleep now.

Good morning/night, y'all! :-)