Friday, October 19, 2012

The Sixth of October

October 6 came and went, and I didn't even notice it until several days later. It used to be an important date for me, and I guess it still is, but the signifance has changed. And it's a change for the better.

It's our anniversary--my ex's and mine, that is. After we separated, I dreaded this date's coming. It always brought back sad memories. But not anymore, I'm happy to say. There's no bitterness looking back, no anger, and certainly no more hankering for what might have been. I've truly moved on, and it feels so liberating.

Just after our breakup, I went into a terrible depression that felt like it was going to last forever. I thought I would never recover. But all things do pass, and time does heal all wounds. What I felt was never coming has come. If there's any proof needed, it's an October 6th that's without painful memories, without sadness, and heck, without my even noticing it!

1 comment:


Thank you for the kind message. Keep up the positive attitude.Life gets hard doesn't it? Keep up your jogging.