Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Trying Out Blogpress

Gadgets are supposed to save you time, but the truth of the matter is, they're terrible time wasters as well. Ever since I got my iPad, I've wasted probably hundreds of hours on it doing useless (but on occasion gratifying) things.

I bought it primarily to use it as a writing device, but I find that I still do most of my writing on my netbook (a Lenovo touchscreen one) because it's simply more convenient to use. I do have a Bluetooth keyboard for my iPad which makes typing more comfortable, but now I rarely use that too. The iPad's become the kids' go-to gadget when they're bored, and I use it mostly just to check my email.

Just this morning, I was on Facebook and I read this post about a great blogging tool for the iPad. I checked it out and it sounded good. I thought, now here's a nice chance to revive my dying blog and at the same time put my iPad into more productive use.

So, here I am, writing my first BlogPress post on my iPad (and just using the on-screen keyboard too). So far, it's been a smooth experience, but we'll see soon if I can post it just as easily.

Let me just put in a random picture below to see how the image insertion works.

That's Cookie, our spoiled bea-tzu :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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